Summer Reflections 2021
After the year we have all taught through, I find myself reflecting on what is truly important. I feel like it's our relationships with each other that are the most meaningful.
Sure we have a lot to do and think about in our teaching careers but when it comes down to it, 10 or 20 years from now most of what we scamper about doing will not be as mind-blowing as we might imagine. Just pray a lot, right?
It always comes back to how we interacted with our families, staff, and students. I think about the teachers and professors I have had and what always stands out is how they treated me and how they helped me succeed.
So while those in high places continue making their demands, let these thoughts remain that our first and foremost mission is to bond with our kids as best as we can. The benefits of an effective teacher last a lifetime.
I have been researching (as usual) animal life and have become rather obsessed with ocean creatures; specifically those that live deep. I mean really deep. I created a set of Boom cards with that in mind. I took some particular aspects of the chosen animals and created main idea and supporting details for the task card deck. I like how it turned out since the text is not too overwhelming for reluctant readers but still challenging enough to not absolutely breeze through without any new concepts. If you are interested and use Boom cards here it is:
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