Turn Kid's Learning into Fun!


Turn Kid's Learning into Fun!

I get bored easily with certain lessons that I have already taught. I like to change up some of the things I do like sequence the material differently or expand the concept. Something to consider, though, is to completely change your approach to your presentation (I know, we all must teach to the test because data makes the districts go 'round). However, it's important for kids to take ownership of their learning and I think it helps to get them moving. Sometimes it isn't feasible to have kids running around all over the place, but when you can allow movement, it's just more fun. One of the "lessons" I like to use once school is in full swing is the concept of fiction vs. nonfiction. Here is an excerpt from my personal journal from last school year when I changed up my presentation to this concept.

 "My youngest students tend to struggle at times with this not only because of their ages, but because many are from different cultures. This time I decided to completely change my approach to my introduction of fiction/nonfiction. I usually start out asking kids what they already know about a particular subject and what they hope to learn. This time I decided to start the concept with some picture cards that are reality vs. fantasy. I turned it into a game with the kids standing up from the carpet area if the picture was real and sitting back down if it was "fake" or fantasy. I had to set boundaries and tell them not to jump! It was really fun so I was feeling pretty good about changing things up." October 2015

The reality/fantasy picture cards are from this product;

There are other sorts in the product, too. I like to one of the sorts from the product as whole group. This sort is posted below. There are other sorts in the packet that work well collaboratively in small groups. 

 If you click on the link to my product, you can read a more detailed description of what is included in the product. You can also see a preview there, too. Hope you like it! :) 

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