One of My Newest Products! Idioms

My students really don't understand the nuances and expressions of everyday English due to them being English learners. I am hoping this product will be a fun way for them to practice just a few idioms.

My plan is to read an idiom picture book to start out. The next thing we will do is chart some of the idioms they might remember from the reading and even some they might already know. This way I am not only back-filling but also accessing prior knowledge and hopefully planting some seeds of understanding!

Once we do all of this, I am going to introduce my idiom task cards with the matching graphics to expose them to images they will remember when we do a hands-on match or a read the room activity with the cards. 

There are other activities in the product. I tried to make sure the levels of the activities were varied. Some of the kids aren't ready to search the room and match a bunch of expressions; however, they can illustrate one of them and they can cut/paste a few expressions with peer assistance I'm sure.

Here's the product:


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