So I finally got my rainbow project funded by Donor's Choose. My students read leveled books about rainbows an also researched online with EPIC. If you have never tried EPIC I would encourage you to do so. You can choose video books, videos, books read to kids, among other options. I did not use this for my newcomers because they don't have the vocabulary to jump this far ahead in reading. My intermediate students went onto EPIC, did the research, took notes, and compiled their findings into multiple paragraph reports. I think they did a pretty good job. Some of the lower intermediates did facts on paper strips and attached them to cloud shapes. Here's the result:

Get to Know Your Students

       Here is a great way for you to get to know your ESL students better. In fact, it is a way to differentiate with writing narratives. Your other students might have the vocabulary recall to write about an experience they have had, but your English learners might struggle with this. SO.....use this to get those English learners writing! 
      For this new school year, I decided to get to know my English learners a bit better. I also want to enable them to participate in a project they would be very comfortable with from the beginning. It's a lapbook about heritage. The students will choose which pieces and parts they want to include and it will be about their home countries.


Try Me Product

All through my teaching career I have taught reading. One of the skills that always seemed to be a sticking point was main idea so I created a main idea product that I could use with my guided reading.  I recently uploaded a try me version of my main idea product. 
Here it is:

The full product is this one:


Manta Ray vs. Stingray & Sea Dragons vs. Seahorses: Combining Texts

This is actually a bundle of two products. I am becoming rather obsessed with ocean animals. Last summer I created the reader with the coral reef theme and this year I decided to research seahorses. I can't explain why other than I think they are rather mysterious. I also researched manta rays and stingrays. Both products are compare/contrast nonfiction information. This is a weakness I have seen with my English language learners and I'm sure other students can benefit by focusing upon integrating information as well. I included writing, too! I hope you give it a look-see and maybe you will like to get it for your kiddos.



This product is a life-saver for literacy centers or getting ready for a substitute. It is especially good for leveled readers. I put some of these pages with leveled books in homework bags but you can use them however you want!


Pinterest Posts

Here is a Pinterest board where you can find most all of my products. This board is hosted by my good friend Heather Stec who also has a TPT store.

Rainbow Magic and Reading Across Grade Levels

As of July 2019 my project's donations are now being matched by Google! I have just three weeks to get funded! My deadline is August 23! I'm praying! 
So I just posted a Donors Choose Project after getting permission from my district. It's a STEAM related theme. Students will read various levels of science readers to explore how rainbows form. One of the books I have requested (it's interactive) is authored by Patricia Bath, the inventor of the laser-phaco probe. She is an African-American hero in my estimation. I hope it gets funded. Here's the link for anyone who might be curious: https://www.donorschoose.org/…/rainbow-magic-and-…/4119208/…

One of My Newest Products! Idioms

My students really don't understand the nuances and expressions of everyday English due to them being English learners. I am hoping this product will be a fun way for them to practice just a few idioms.

My plan is to read an idiom picture book to start out. The next thing we will do is chart some of the idioms they might remember from the reading and even some they might already know. This way I am not only back-filling but also accessing prior knowledge and hopefully planting some seeds of understanding!

Once we do all of this, I am going to introduce my idiom task cards with the matching graphics to expose them to images they will remember when we do a hands-on match or a read the room activity with the cards. 

There are other activities in the product. I tried to make sure the levels of the activities were varied. Some of the kids aren't ready to search the room and match a bunch of expressions; however, they can illustrate one of them and they can cut/paste a few expressions with peer assistance I'm sure.

Here's the product:


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