Summer school is almost here; how about a freebie? Here it is!

This freebie is actually a spin off of my "Choose Your Words" resource listed below:

Choose Your Words 


 The Way Things Change

So when I posted last February, I had big plans to stay working with English learners in my district after I retired June 2023. I discovered that even though my department would have enjoyed having me part-time, that it was just too convoluted of a process and wasn't going to happen. As a result, I have gotten more involved with the ministries in my church, become a better cook, and have poured myself into new TPT projects.

Other noteworthy news was that my oldest son, Andy, graduated from yet another college to add a fourth degree to his line-up. This time his degree is nurse anesthetist or CRNA. He's quite brilliant and has a photographic memory. My husband and I aren't quite sure how this happened because even though neither of us are dumbbells, Andy has far exceeded either of us in his education and now he makes double what I made as a teacher. I just wish he could find a great girl to marry.

     The best thing without a doubt that happened last year was that due to my retirement and Andy's graduation, we decided to take a trip. Carl stayed back to watch the dog (hey that was his choice)! We went to the UK for roughly two weeks. I had always wanted to ride the top level of the red buses! If you ever go, mind the steps going up because the driver does not wait for you to be seated! I did that one time, and due to nearly falling on my keister on those steps, it was the last time. I loved riding " The Tube". We got to see castles, have high tea next to Kensington Palace, ride "The Eye", and take a ferry boat ride. We saw Stonehenge, The City of Bath, Canterbury Cathedral, Warner Brothers Studio (Harry Potter), and many Christmas markets. Did I say that going in December is wonderful because London and Edinburgh had so many gorgeous decorations? When we went to Doune Castle in the Scottish Highlands I was so pleased to see the Scottish Highland cows in the fields and the many sheep. I want to go back. It felt like home.

    Other news is that my youngest son Ethan and his wife are having our first grandchild in July, Lord willing. It's a boy and we are all beside ourselves with anticipation. His name will be Samuel but we're not sure about the middle name yet. I guess God knew that for me to get re-immersed in the ESL family that I would need to quit anyway for my own grandchild coming. I told Ethan, "just try to keep me away"!


Here is a new free resource:


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